A Breakthrough to Save Humanity
In Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy (1320) we encounter a forlorn Ulysses (Greek, Odysseus) in…
In Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy (1320) we encounter a forlorn Ulysses (Greek, Odysseus) in…
Richard Wilson was born in 1931 and has lived all over England. The feature image…
The recent appointment of Gina Haspel as CIA Director is a sign of a growing…
Posterity will determine if the Italian election results of March 4th 2018 marked an earthquake…
The greatest trial lawyer of the last century was undoubtedly Clarence Darrow. He was often…
In the beginning in order to count we used, as we still do, our fingers,…
Catalan secessionists have succeeded in framing the debate over Catalan independence as a stark choice…
The issue of data privacy is becoming a source of increasing individual and corporate unease…
One beauty of the game of golf is the possibility to play it right up…
On yoga teacher training courses among the heartening questions I receive are ones that readers…
Worthless. Humiliated. Deeply uncomfortable. Skin crawling. Awful. Shitty shit shitty fucking horror shit shit cock…
Come on in. Try our new Chicken Selects. Forget food. We should send them luggage.…
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”11″ gal_title=”Magda”] Being self-taught, I am constantly seeking to reinvent what is familiar to…